
Day job given to friend of manager instead of night staff

My manager recently awarded his friend of 30 years—a temporary worker—the open day position at our company. I’ve been working overnights the past year, outperforming my peers, and begging to go to days. For at least ten years, open positions have gone to those with seniority and new hires have started on nights. I’m quitting at the end of the month. It’s really too bad, because I like my job and have made many connections. I can’t take the blatant disrespect, though.

My manager recently awarded his friend of 30 years—a temporary worker—the open day position at our company. I’ve been working overnights the past year, outperforming my peers, and begging to go to days. For at least ten years, open positions have gone to those with seniority and new hires have started on nights.

I’m quitting at the end of the month. It’s really too bad, because I like my job and have made many connections. I can’t take the blatant disrespect, though.

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