
Dealing with bullshit at my entry level “automation” job, could use some insight.

Hey folks, I'm in a tough spot at work and I could really use your thoughts. I'm a student studying automation and I've been working at this automation supplier for about four months. Honestly, the company's culture sucks, but I just don’t know if I could necessarily find another job off the bat for entry level stuff in my field. Even if I’m basically doing horizontal work, working production at a supplier rather than doing what I want to do (machine maintenance), the actual job description and company name sound good to applicant tracking software, even if I’m genuinely not doing much of anything I’d be doing otherwise, and working with very company specific parts. Beyond just that, what are some jobs that could at least put me in that general direction? Here's the deal: we've been doing overtime every other week for a few months, and now they want…

Hey folks, I'm in a tough spot at work and I could really use your thoughts. I'm a student studying automation and I've been working at this automation supplier for about four months. Honestly, the company's culture sucks, but I just don’t know if I could necessarily find another job off the bat for entry level stuff in my field.

Even if I’m basically doing horizontal work, working production at a supplier rather than doing what I want to do (machine maintenance), the actual job description and company name sound good to applicant tracking software, even if I’m genuinely not doing much of anything I’d be doing otherwise, and working with very company specific parts. Beyond just that, what are some jobs that could at least put me in that general direction?

Here's the deal: we've been doing overtime every other week for a few months, and now they want me to not only work overtime non stop, but also pump up my production numbers to “catch up” on orders, over say, just actually hiring more people, and now they want to cut our lunch breaks to squeeze in more overtime. I’m working 10 hour days and I can’t even recover in my car for an hour after working 6 hours straight.

On top of that, the higher-ups and my coworkers keep making offensive comments, whether just school shooting jokes, just dropping slurs, whatever. As someone who's bisexual, it's really disheartening. It’s just “shop humor”, but it’s just fucking annoying trying to have a conversation, then just inadvertently attack me. Like I can’t really be myself at this job, first 30 minutes of walking in, I just get offensive word salad. I needed the job, so I just didn’t say anything but it’s just taking a toll just being around negative overworked people like this.

I'm beyond fed up. Should I prioritize my well-being and get the hell out of there? Or should I tough it out just for the sake of a reference? I'd appreciate any similar experiences or advice you have.

TL;DR: My work environment is toxic with constant overtime and offensive comments. Should I bail for my own sanity or stick around for a reference? Need some input. Thanks.

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