
Dealing with toxic co-workers?

So, I am currently working at my first ever job as maintenance at a state park. I’ve taken off a semester of college to recoup and earn some spending money for the spring semester. The job is pretty laid back and my boss is great however my co-workers are nutjobs. There’s six of us counting me five days a week. Whenever we’re not a call we have a room we all sit in and it is just constant homophobic and racist remarks along with nutty conspiracies such as covid isn’t real, the election was rigged and climate change is fake. It’s frustrating, annoying and I’m tempted to quit for my own sanity.

So, I am currently working at my first ever job as maintenance at a state park. I’ve taken off a semester of college to recoup and earn some spending money for the spring semester. The job is pretty laid back and my boss is great however my co-workers are nutjobs. There’s six of us counting me five days a week. Whenever we’re not a call we have a room we all sit in and it is just constant homophobic and racist remarks along with nutty conspiracies such as covid isn’t real, the election was rigged and climate change is fake. It’s frustrating, annoying and I’m tempted to quit for my own sanity.

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