
Dear Twitter Employees: Just Stay Home.

I'm seeing multiple reports (like this one on Bloomberg: that Musk is planning to lay off up to half of his employees tomorrow, and that's after he demanded 80+ hour weeks to make changes, after he fired most of the C suite, and after he allowed racism and harassment on Twitter to go up 500%. He has already made it clear that he will demand everyone return to the office. And for what? So he can cut your pay? Screw you out of your bonus? Work you to death while he literally re-enables some of the worst people IN THE WORLD to have free reign and a global audience? This is all just so he and Goldman fucking Sachs get a return on their multi-billion-dollar stupidity. Elon literally can't do it without you. Call his bluff. Stay home. Make him fucking fire you. You're fired anyway! It's only a…

I'm seeing multiple reports (like this one on Bloomberg: that Musk is planning to lay off up to half of his employees tomorrow, and that's after he demanded 80+ hour weeks to make changes, after he fired most of the C suite, and after he allowed racism and harassment on Twitter to go up 500%. He has already made it clear that he will demand everyone return to the office.

And for what? So he can cut your pay? Screw you out of your bonus? Work you to death while he literally re-enables some of the worst people IN THE WORLD to have free reign and a global audience?

This is all just so he and Goldman fucking Sachs get a return on their multi-billion-dollar stupidity. Elon literally can't do it without you. Call his bluff. Stay home. Make him fucking fire you. You're fired anyway! It's only a matter of time! Make it hurt.

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