
Death by keywords

UGH, this crap. Apparently I have to be an expert in how to outsmart the obstacle courses that are job application processes. And there are heaps of software that will apparently help you pull out job description key words and put them in your resume, usually for a fee. Great use of energy! Much better than, like, demanding more transparent hiring practices and ultimately transitioning to a world where human rights and dignified living (beyond 'basic) isn't tied to conforming to current mainstream definitions of being productive and busy.

UGH, this crap. Apparently I have to be an expert in how to outsmart the obstacle courses that are job application processes.
And there are heaps of software that will apparently help you pull out job description key words and put them in your resume, usually for a fee. Great use of energy! Much better than, like, demanding more transparent hiring practices and ultimately transitioning to a world where human rights and dignified living (beyond 'basic) isn't tied to conforming to current mainstream definitions of being productive and busy.

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