
Debating on whether to continue my job or quit on the spot

I've (18f) recently started a full-time job at a deli that just opened. Me and my coworkers went for training last Wednesday and had two soft openings on the following Thursday and Friday. This week was our first week fully opening, and let me tell you that it is a train wreck. During training, the owner/manager didn't really teach us how to do anything. It was more of a “I'm going to give you this recipe and just watch me how to make it” while doing it for us rather than actually teaching. We made sides for 6 hours (everything is made from scratch) and then before we left she spent what I'm pretty sure was only 10 minutes explaining how the steamers and presses worked and glazed over sandwich making. Essentially a lot of our training was just watching and standing stupidly and watching youtube and how to make…

I've (18f) recently started a full-time job at a deli that just opened. Me and my coworkers went for training last Wednesday and had two soft openings on the following Thursday and Friday. This week was our first week fully opening, and let me tell you that it is a train wreck.

During training, the owner/manager didn't really teach us how to do anything. It was more of a “I'm going to give you this recipe and just watch me how to make it” while doing it for us rather than actually teaching. We made sides for 6 hours (everything is made from scratch) and then before we left she spent what I'm pretty sure was only 10 minutes explaining how the steamers and presses worked and glazed over sandwich making. Essentially a lot of our training was just watching and standing stupidly and watching youtube and how to make stuff rather than learning.

Nobody really has a position, you just go in and start doing something, she doesn't really tell you what to do most of the time. Communication is horrid, and apparently she has stopped hiring people even though we only have 3 people in the back, which doesn't sound too bad but sometimes I'm asked to prep meat, do appetizers, clear the lobby, etc all at the same time and asking questions is also a nightmare because she gets annoyed and asks why I don't know.

She's changed so many things on the menu that I swear I learn something new about it every day. And yet, she still fails to tell us about it, so we don't even know until we're doing it and then she claims she's told us and/or gets annoyed. She put a woman on sandwich making when she didn't even know how to, because she got assigned with other things during the week so I had to guess and help her because the owner was doing nothing to help. I had a nervous breakdown on Wednesday because she wasn't telling me how to work the register and I was again being asked to do many other thing that don't even have to deal with the register. She sent me home and politely told me to try leaving my outside problems out of work so I can come in and only focus on work (because it works for her as well). The next day she kept saying there was multiple things that needed to get done, and then proceeded to never elaborate on what those things were so we were confused. I have no idea what happens to the tips in the tip jar, it's obviously not distributed to us.

I also just got my first paycheck, and I noticed the amount was smaller than expected. I asked her if I was still getting paid 10 an hour like we discussed when getting an interview, and she said no, I was getting paid 8 an hour. This was not discussed to me in any shape or form so needless to say I am pissed.

I've worked in food service, my two jobs (one for 2 months and one for a year) were not as stressful as this. I understand this is a new business and she is still learning, so I'm trying to be patient, but apparently she's owned (emphasis on owned) 5 before this, which makes me a bit worried. The work is not hard by any means, but there is literally no order or rountine and it stresses me to work in an environment like that. My coworkers are literally all over the age of 35, but I'm surprised to see that some of them have also considered quitting, so it's actually quite reassuring to see that im not the only one who feels overly stressed. I'm going in this week to talk about my salary, but at this point I'm so done that I just want to quit. Typically I would put in my 2 weeks but I don't even care anymore, it overwhelms me to just even come in. Do I stay and see what happens or do I quit?

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