
Declaration of war

I am an unemployed homeless person. I have asked for help, and I have received just enough food stamps to slowly starve. I have asked for help with housing and employment and education; there is no help available. So what can I do? I can lie down and die. I can kill myself quickly, or I can let depression, malnutrition, exposure, or something kill me slowly. I guess I could try to be a better slave, to “get a job” but I already tried that repeatedly, and it’s never really worked out for me. The final option is to take up arms. This system has become so thoroughly corrupt and evil that it must be resisted, IMO. Having failed at positive, constructive resistance, violent and destructive resistance is the only remaining option. I guess I’d prefer to strike a blow, to take some of them with me, rather than simply…

I am an unemployed homeless person. I have asked for help, and I have received just enough food stamps to slowly starve. I have asked for help with housing and employment and education; there is no help available.

So what can I do? I can lie down and die. I can kill myself quickly, or I can let depression, malnutrition, exposure, or something kill me slowly.

I guess I could try to be a better slave, to “get a job” but I already tried that repeatedly, and it’s never really worked out for me.

The final option is to take up arms. This system has become so thoroughly corrupt and evil that it must be resisted, IMO. Having failed at positive, constructive resistance, violent and destructive resistance is the only remaining option. I guess I’d prefer to strike a blow, to take some of them with me, rather than simply lying down, giving up, and dying.

So, fuck this system; it is war.

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