
Defamation lawsuit risks for poorly reviewing homophobic, sexist, verbally abusive owner?

So until recently I worked at a restaurant. The owner has always treated his employees poorly, but recently it has ramped up. In the past few months his verbal abuse came to a height. On one particular night, he forced two young employees into a panic attack by berating them on their decision to leave the restaurant and attend college. He called his autistic cousin who is a busser a “retard” in a vile, angry tone in front of a full bar, and finally, after a homosexual man tried to defend the young woman having a panic attack, the owner berated him with the most vile homophobic slurs I’ve heard in person before taking his glasses off of his face in order to punch him before someone stepped in. The entire staff all walked out and have caused the restaurant to be mostly closed down this week. However, I want…

So until recently I worked at a restaurant. The owner has always treated his employees poorly, but recently it has ramped up. In the past few months his verbal abuse came to a height. On one particular night, he forced two young employees into a panic attack by berating them on their decision to leave the restaurant and attend college. He called his autistic cousin who is a busser a “retard” in a vile, angry tone in front of a full bar, and finally, after a homosexual man tried to defend the young woman having a panic attack, the owner berated him with the most vile homophobic slurs I’ve heard in person before taking his glasses off of his face in order to punch him before someone stepped in. The entire staff all walked out and have caused the restaurant to be mostly closed down this week. However, I want to make sure no one ever works there again and hurt their customer base as much as possible. If I am able to tell the true story on Google reviews and yelp, I have dozens of people ready to like and support the posts. However, I do not know the specifics on if they will be able to sue me for defamation or slander. I have read over my employee contract and there is nothing preventing me from it in there. It seems to me from the information I’ve found online, even though I will be posting from an anonymous account staying anonymous is not guaranteed and there should be a certain way I phrase my words. Any help explaining how I should phrase my wording or if this is a good idea at all would be greatly appreciated.

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