
Defending America’s working laws is one of the most idiotic things I’ve seen people do.

America doesn't want people to have work life balances, mandating 0 paid time off, and mandating 0 parental leave. There are people who defend this, saying all the other countries are “lazy, poor socialists” without ever considering the idea that they're just overworked and fell in love with being exploited. How someone can defend mandating 0 paid time off and parental leave is beyond my belief. People should be protesting this, especially when other countries such as Italy, the UK, Germany, Switzlerland, and etc. mandate that people get months worth of paternal/maternal leave, and at least 21 days of paid vacation. I have legit heard people say that America does working laws better than those countries, and that is top tier clown behavior.

America doesn't want people to have work life balances, mandating 0 paid time off, and mandating 0 parental leave. There are people who defend this, saying all the other countries are “lazy, poor socialists” without ever considering the idea that they're just overworked and fell in love with being exploited. How someone can defend mandating 0 paid time off and parental leave is beyond my belief. People should be protesting this, especially when other countries such as Italy, the UK, Germany, Switzlerland, and etc. mandate that people get months worth of paternal/maternal leave, and at least 21 days of paid vacation.

I have legit heard people say that America does working laws better than those countries, and that is top tier clown behavior.

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