
Defnitely hated by my current sup.

I've been updating almost daily about this job I recently got. It's a WFH position for like, the jankiest internet service ever. Well I'm in training and doing REALLY well. I've been on the phone for three days and gotten two compliments! First one was totally ignored by my current sup. 2nd one, one of the leads messaged her and IMMEDIATELY she assumes it's a supervisor call and impatiently typed that I had to descalate. When they said it was a compliment she wanted the exact time and account number to make sure I wasn't lying but then totally glossed over saying ANYTHING congratulatory or even apologetic for assuming I'm pissing people off!! I refused to go in two hours early so she could take her kid trick or treating early on Halloween. Sorry, not my fault you have a family and it's not my job to make my life…

I've been updating almost daily about this job I recently got. It's a WFH position for like, the jankiest internet service ever. Well I'm in training and doing REALLY well. I've been on the phone for three days and gotten two compliments!

First one was totally ignored by my current sup. 2nd one, one of the leads messaged her and IMMEDIATELY she assumes it's a supervisor call and impatiently typed that I had to descalate. When they said it was a compliment she wanted the exact time and account number to make sure I wasn't lying but then totally glossed over saying ANYTHING congratulatory or even apologetic for assuming I'm pissing people off!!

I refused to go in two hours early so she could take her kid trick or treating early on Halloween. Sorry, not my fault you have a family and it's not my job to make my life revolve around yours. I scheduled a cleaning of teeth that day and she's been super shitty to me since then. Refused to remove an attendance point because my computer wouldn't let me log in. For example.

This shit right here is why you don't want to work for ANY telecomm industry. It's a very toxic industry.

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