
Department about to collapse or revolt but something big is happening for sure.

I work in a large health, safety and wellness department in a highly political healthcare setting. I saw some stats stating that last year our employees(fewer) worked 200,000 more hours than the year before. I figured it would to be almost 80 additional hours worked per person though not all work lots of OT but many do so those numbers are much higher for those that they impact. For about seven months now our department department has taken considerable executive and political gruff over the number of injured employees and number of employees off work. There is no leadership, no plan to address this but just non-stop shit flowing froM the top down. Morale is at an all time low, everyday I speak with a cowokrer on the verge of a mental breakdown but the shit keeps flowing. I am aware of five people ready to go off work in…

I work in a large health, safety and wellness department in a highly political healthcare setting. I saw some stats stating that last year our employees(fewer) worked 200,000 more hours than the year before. I figured it would to be almost 80 additional hours worked per person though not all work lots of OT but many do so those numbers are much higher for those that they impact. For about seven months now our department department has taken considerable executive and political gruff over the number of injured employees and number of employees off work.

There is no leadership, no plan to address this but just non-stop shit flowing froM the top down. Morale is at an all time low, everyday I speak with a cowokrer on the verge of a mental breakdown but the shit keeps flowing. I am aware of five people ready to go off work in our department alone due to stress and toxic work environment. We are a critical department and this eminent collapse could be devastating. Its 12 days to Christmas and now even myself I am wondering if I can make it that long just to get a couple days off and jump back into the cesspool. Where do I and my coworkers go from here?

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