
Depressed of living in my home state of Israel

I earn 1500 usd a month, I can’t live on my own and I’m working my ass. Where I live in Tel Aviv for they ask for a studio apartment about 1500 usd a month I’m stuck living with my parents and can’t start my adulthood because of the economic situation, even if I’ll leave Tel Aviv (which is the most expensive city on earth) I’ll still live in poverty because jobs outside of the city pay less and rent is still high. Right now rent and food are unaffordable. Israel has the worst prices for consumer goods, it’s impossible to save money, but the elite prospers and earn on our backs, they own everything. We have very low unemployment but you earn a low wage compared to the cost of living. 2000-3000 usd is the avg for A month while the rent in cites is 70%+ of the wage…

I earn 1500 usd a month, I can’t live on my own and I’m working my ass.
Where I live in Tel Aviv for they ask for a studio apartment about 1500 usd a month I’m stuck living with my parents and can’t start my adulthood because of the economic situation, even if I’ll leave Tel Aviv (which is the most expensive city on earth) I’ll still live in poverty because jobs outside of the city pay less and rent is still high.

Right now rent and food are unaffordable. Israel has the worst prices for consumer goods, it’s impossible to save money, but the elite prospers and earn on our backs, they own everything. We have very low unemployment but you earn a low wage compared to the cost of living. 2000-3000 usd is the avg for A month while the rent in cites is 70%+ of the wage if you are lucky, it’s depressing af to live in a state when you have to think about buying basic goods or not having a roof to sleep under

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