
“Desirable, but not essential”

I work in RnD, looking to start my own business in that space as my current contract is coming to an end. Looking for some part time work just to subsidise my income as I'm unsure how well the business will turn out. I have multiple degrees in my area of work and also have close to a decade of experience outside of that. I also have a fuck tonne of experience in other areas mainly to do with product development, coding and 3D printing. Came across a lab-tech role that was looking for someone with this exact skillset. Applied and interviewed for it a few days ago. Now I want to preface this by saying I was not expecting (or looking for) big bucks, I'm genuinely looking for something I can do 9 -5 a few days a week and not have to think or worry about it, as…

I work in RnD, looking to start my own business in that space as my current contract is coming to an end. Looking for some part time work just to subsidise my income as I'm unsure how well the business will turn out.

I have multiple degrees in my area of work and also have close to a decade of experience outside of that. I also have a fuck tonne of experience in other areas mainly to do with product development, coding and 3D printing.

Came across a lab-tech role that was looking for someone with this exact skillset. Applied and interviewed for it a few days ago. Now I want to preface this by saying I was not expecting (or looking for) big bucks, I'm genuinely looking for something I can do 9 -5 a few days a week and not have to think or worry about it, as such I was more than happy to take a pretty massive paycut so I can focus on my own business.

Interview went great, they checked my references and made an informal offer the very same day of the interview. It was about half of what I was expecting. I actually had to ask if that was a mistake thinking they may have put me down for less hours per fortnight (the job is 2 days one week, 3 days the next).

A little too-ing and fro-ing via email and I simply wrote back that it was far below what I expected considering my skill set, experience etc. Got a phone call from the person who interviewed me today, we'll call her Sarah, and it went something like this:

Sarah: “The thing is this role doesn't require formal tertiary qualifications or experience”

Me: “But the job description says that tertiary education, coding and 3D printing are desirable”

Sarah: “Desirable yes, but not essential, which is why we have the role at the pay scale we sent through”

Me: “Well if it's something that the company desires, don't you think you should compensate the person who has those skills”

Sarah: “Yes well…”

Me: “Let me ask you something, how many people do you interview or hire that don't have the qualifications listed in the job description, or any of the desirable qualifications for that matter?”

After about 10 seconds of silence she then went on to say that she couldn't talk about other staff or applicants. I politely (as politely as I could anyway) declined and said that I expect compensation commensurate with experience and skill set, wished her well and hung up.

Sorry for the long one but it just pissed me off to no end and it's such a sneaky way to get you to sell your time for less than it's worth

TL;DR: interviewed for a job, got a shit offer because qualifications listed are desirable not essential, asked boss-lady how many people they interview or hire without said desirable qualifications and hung up.

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