
Destroyed Ex-Employers Workflow

Back story before getting to the meat of the post: The employer I had prior to my new employer worked us to death. They cut the number of people on our team by over half in the span of 2 years and still expected the same level of customer service. Our team was expected to do customer service for our accounting software, 3rd party IT for all (100 – 110) clients, and implementations for any new clients. Managers constantly demanded more than 40 hours while paying salary, while giving raises that were below inflation rates and saying we were being paid more than the industry average for the position. They were a hell hole to work for, and I dreaded working there each day I had to go in. I left the company back in early 2020. Now to present day. I was cleaning out my documents in Google sheets…

Back story before getting to the meat of the post: The employer I had prior to my new employer worked us to death. They cut the number of people on our team by over half in the span of 2 years and still expected the same level of customer service. Our team was expected to do customer service for our accounting software, 3rd party IT for all (100 – 110) clients, and implementations for any new clients. Managers constantly demanded more than 40 hours while paying salary, while giving raises that were below inflation rates and saying we were being paid more than the industry average for the position. They were a hell hole to work for, and I dreaded working there each day I had to go in. I left the company back in early 2020.

Now to present day. I was cleaning out my documents in Google sheets when I came across some worksheets from my old employer. I opened them up and saw that they were still actively being used. These worksheets are used to track status's for updates to clients, builds they were on, development assignments, among other important things. These were still shared with me, with full view and edit rights.

I browsed through them for a few minutes to see how busy they still are, remembering all the bullshit they put me through over the years, when I had a sneaky idea. What if I just went in there, deleted everything, then removed myself from the worksheets? The intrusive thoughts won over and I deleted everything. All the worksheets were blank, decades worth of historical data were cleared.

Got a text a few hours ago from one of my ex coworkers who still works there asking me if I had done something. I feigned ignorance of course, “I removed myself from those documents years ago whenever I left the company.” Apparently things are a wildfire over there now, and they are scrambling to recreate everything.

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