
Did we give up, or are we willing to stand up and Unite yet?

Seriously, every day on this forum alone we see dozens of post's and comments of the horrendous conditions of the American workers life. I ain't even talking about the workplace environment yet. I am just talking about the 16 hours a day your not expected to be at a job. We the people deserve so much more then what we have. We are currently OWNED, not ruled, not governed, not even represented. We are OWNED. No one can convince me that we are no better then slaves. Infact we have been labeled “Wage Slaves”, to soften the blow that we are SLAVES and we are OWNED. Granted our ownership is abstract and defined only by the systems in power because we have not pulled the plug on them yet. And by pulling the plug, I do mean that in both the metaphoric and in reality. The SYSTEM is rigged, and…

Seriously, every day on this forum alone we see dozens of post's and comments of the horrendous conditions of the American workers life. I ain't even talking about the workplace environment yet. I am just talking about the 16 hours a day your not expected to be at a job. We the people deserve so much more then what we have.

We are currently OWNED, not ruled, not governed, not even represented. We are OWNED. No one can convince me that we are no better then slaves. Infact we have been labeled “Wage Slaves”, to soften the blow that we are SLAVES and we are OWNED.

Granted our ownership is abstract and defined only by the systems in power because we have not pulled the plug on them yet. And by pulling the plug, I do mean that in both the metaphoric and in reality. The SYSTEM is rigged, and hardwired so that it cannot be reformed, rebooted, or restarted. It forever will manipulate and entrap those within its reach. So what is to be done you might ask?

Come on. We know the answer America, look to France as an example. You have been thinking it, I have been thinking it, WE the People have been thinking it. Its time we take back our nation from those that have caused it to become what it is today.

But what does that mean? What does that mean for the commoner, the 80% of Americans that share only 9% of the Wealth. Well, we must endure and sacrifice. The powers that be are going to freeze money, so we will have to form a barter system. Old man Tommy, has to make wooden cooking utensils, to trade for ten pounds of corn from Jimmy, and then Tommy trades five pounds of that corn, for a new knife to allow him to continue making the utensils. That has to become common place. The powers that be will fabricate emergencies to tie up our state and local resources, so we must shut down the bought and paid for media, arrest and confine those that buck against shutting the system down. The powers will disrupt health care, and energy, water, and transportation resources. They will sabotage railroads, and highways, destroy bridges and corrupt local politicians, and officials. They might even release a real plague upon the populous.

How do we prevent, stop, contain, and combat these forces of evil that will do EVERYTHING they can to stop the shutting down of the system. We must openly and transparently operate as soon as possible, we must provide local authorities with the powers that make sense until a new system can be established.

Look I know that sounds contradictory, an old system, replaced with a new system, however, we are America, and within our Constitution it states “in order to form a more perfect Union”, taking it out of context but keeping its meaning, We the People are allowed to form a more perfect Union, and right now, IT is not the current Government of the United States. I say, we start completely over, and operate from the County level, and not State level. We can honor the Fifty States, by maintaining them as Administration zones, but aside from that, I say we function from the County Level, electing County Senators, and return our Congress back to the One Representative per `thirty thousand citizens. BTW, this does mean I am talking Ten Thousand Representatives, and nearly Four Thousand Senators. A ban on National Political Parties, and donations from corporations, and a realistic cap on donations from citizens.

Speaking of Corporations, we would need to seize everything listed on the NYSE. Every single one of them. If its “publicly traded”, it just became “public property”, how that is handled to be determined. However, America needs to go back to buying local, and hiring local, and being local business owners. And not have a single Family in Arkansas dictate the buying capabilities of the majority of the population. With bringing up Corporations. NO longer will they be considered “entities” and all current and previous executives, owners, and board members will be who's held liable for the actions of their corporations once the investigations of corruption and contamination begins.

To combat a food shortage, we all need to go make friends with the local farmers and farmers market, there needs to be communities rebuilt over night. There will still be greed and selfishness, but eventually we can root that out as well. We must first ensure that we can thrive locally without the reliance on the systems.

To combat an energy crisis, instead of destroying resources, seizing them and ensuring they are not only kept running and operational, but that this commodity is taken off the market, and is provided for the people with, in the future, taxes.

To combat a water crisis, same as with energy, seize the operations, and provide it for the people.

To combat a information crisis, same again, seize and operate for the people.

To provide healthcare, and education, ensure that these structures have the resources and staff they need.

Great dream right, probably HUNDREDS of questions to ask. But most importantly.



Short Answer: We are, through Taxation. Long Answer: Wait a second there you who. Taxation, the dread T word, that we as a nation started a war for independence over a 3 penny tax on a pound of tea, something we now pay 7% sales tax on everything, not just specific products. But besides the point buster, why do I have to pay for this. Why do my children? …..Taxes that are paid to a Government by the People, and used to benefit the People, is the only way any Government works, that doesn't rely on absolute Tyranny. Paying your fair share for the Governance of a Free People is the hallmark of Democracy. We the People do not mind paying or sacrificing our fair share, and that is the System we must now build together, It is that the System we are trapped in, is built to keep those in power and of wealth to maintain it through the labors of others, not to benefit the people.

We could have the best roads in the world. We could have the best education in the world for all children. We could have the best healthcare in the world for all citizens. We could have the best water, food, energy, and resources available equally for all citizens. We could have the most robust immigration program. We could have the most impactful foreign aide system. We already have the most powerful military, and could deal with not being warmongers as a nation for a while. We could just ONE year, operate on just “bare minimum” for our military, and move that budget equally to every other budget item, and solve hunger, homelessness, and healthcare for all Americans, in one year. But the powers that be would not profit or remain in control if we do that.

Will you stand and Unite, or continue to be labelled and divided until they start villainizing you. Remember folks, the Government as it stands does not have your best interest at heart, and are funneling your taxpayer money out of this nation, into wars that will not benefit America. That may be selfish, but I am also trying to show that if American's as a whole were as well off as we all could be, in one generation, the entire world would have peace. We don't need war, we need education and community, however, until we have that peace, do not believe in a Government that wants to disarm you in anyway, even if it seems “logical and common sense”, individual freedom is more important then you being able to tell your neighbor that his guns should be locked up in a safe at night. Simple acts like that are direct threats to the liberty of the people. We the People deserve a government that is for us.

Unite and Stand Tall, or you will fall being Divided.

An American would rather die on their feet, then to live on their knees. The only kneeling an American ever does is to pray to their god.

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