
Did you ever wonder how does outsourcing to 3rd world countries look like?

So, a bit of context, I'm from Argentina which if you don't know is going through one of the worst many crisis this country had. Inflation is +%100 annually, poverty rates are around 40% and the political climate is really unstable. Most of us, Argentinian profesionals, look for remote work because our currency is super devaluated (1 usd = 500 pesos / minimum monthly wage is at 110usd aprox.). So for us, a 2k USD salary is like being almost rich. But this is something else, this is literally trying to exploit people. The announce asks for a Digital Designer but then lists all of these ridiculous requirement and then blatantly slams you with the $ offer. We are not idiots, we are just poor. Fuck outsourcing and fuck this fuckers that think that they can get away with this shit.

So, a bit of context, I'm from Argentina which if you don't know is going through one of the worst many crisis this country had.

Inflation is +%100 annually, poverty rates are around 40% and the political climate is really unstable.

Most of us, Argentinian profesionals, look for remote work because our currency is super devaluated (1 usd = 500 pesos / minimum monthly wage is at 110usd aprox.). So for us, a 2k USD salary is like being almost rich.

But this is something else, this is
literally trying to exploit people. The announce asks for a Digital Designer but then lists all of these ridiculous requirement and then blatantly slams you with the $ offer.

We are not idiots, we are just poor.
Fuck outsourcing and fuck this fuckers that think that they can get away with this shit.

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