my gf had been working at their job (fast food-ish?) for over a year and were a shift leader for most of that, and good at their job. during this time though, they never got any substantial raise, even though some people would get raises that put their salaries above my gfs even when they were entry level and had only been working for a couple months.
note: my gf is VISIBLY queer, nonbinary, all that, and the owners were religious and thus relatively homophobic (we live in a very religious state so this isn’t uncommon but it still sucks.)
anyway, a couple months ago, the owners got everyone together for a team meeting to discuss changes that were being made to the dress code. these were (at least what i remember from what they told me):
-no more than one piercing in each ear
-no gauges
-no facial piercings
-no visible tattoos
-no unnatural hair colors
…all of which they have. i think there were a couple other rules made that seemed to be targeted as well. (the dress code was never this extreme before and putting all these rules in at once all of a sudden seems strange. plus, i’m pretty sure they’re the only person there that fits more than one of these descriptions, which is suspicious as well)
they’d been meaning to quit for a while bc of the low pay and general mistreatment from higher ups but this was the tipping point. (they’ve found a much better job that they’re enjoying since!)
anyway, this was a bit ago, but i just remembered it and got upset again so i thought i might as well put it here.