
Director Lied TO HR

I work at a regional hospital in one of the less desirable departments. I took this job three months ago for several reasons, mainly so I would be able to see my significant other (who also works there) and to be able to focus on my studies at college (working on my Bachelors, with a strong path leading to a Masters and PhD). When i took the job, they knew I was in college, but at the time, my schedules did not conflict. Due to my classes now being in person, I asked for a schedule change and was told they could not accommodate due to the nature of the scheduling system. So I went to my Director on Friday and asked him if I could be released from the department to work in another department where I could set my own hours and days. I explained that i had…

I work at a regional hospital in one of the less desirable departments. I took this job three months ago for several reasons, mainly so I would be able to see my significant other (who also works there) and to be able to focus on my studies at college (working on my Bachelors, with a strong path leading to a Masters and PhD). When i took the job, they knew I was in college, but at the time, my schedules did not conflict. Due to my classes now being in person, I asked for a schedule change and was told they could not accommodate due to the nature of the scheduling system.

So I went to my Director on Friday and asked him if I could be released from the department to work in another department where I could set my own hours and days. I explained that i had put in all of my PTO on the days i knew i would not be able to work (Tuesdays), but my PTO would run out by the end of the semester and one way or another, I'd no longer be in the department, and i was trying to do the right thing and not get fired. He told me that it was unusual to allow someone out of the department before the six month period, but because of my specific circumstances, he would allow an exception and as soon as he could, he would call HR.

Armed with this, I applied for that position, then this morning talked to the recruiter for the new department. The recruiter was excited about me wanting to come over due to my skills I learned in other jobs in the past, and was excited to hear that my Director would be willing to release me, but said she would need to talk to him first before they could get the ball rolling with my application. Not a problem, I already did and didn't think a thing about it.

This evening, I was told by my supervisor that HR called my Director, and that he told HR that he never agreed to that and would not release me because if he did, he'd have to release everyone. He has made me out to be the liar. In addition, they changed my schedule to allow me off every other week on the specific day I need off, and tried to say I've always been off on Tuesdays. I told my Supervisor what my days off had always been, and she argued back saying that was not accurate.

I've called the recruiter and left a message on her VM asking her to call me back in the morning so I can do damage control, and hope I can still somehow get the position.

What are my options here? What do I say to them to ensure I get the position and not be made out to be a liar, manipulator and trying to work people against each other?

If something isn't clear or you need more info, I'm happy to provide.

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