
Director of my department is on a witch hunt of employees that call him out. and now I’m in HR clarifying statements.

Title basically. The director of my department is on a witch hunt against any employee that doesn't kiss his ass and currently, me and a few others are some of them. Yesterday he wrote me up for three separate “offenses” that he considered problematic and now I'm in HR clarifying some things, because for all of these offenses I have witnesses and opposing information to the web the director is spinning. Might lose my job over this, frankly I don't give a damn as long as I can make an attempt to make the lives of my coworkers more bearable. Wish me luck.

Title basically. The director of my department is on a witch hunt against any employee that doesn't kiss his ass and currently, me and a few others are some of them.

Yesterday he wrote me up for three separate “offenses” that he considered problematic and now I'm in HR clarifying some things, because for all of these offenses I have witnesses and opposing information to the web the director is spinning.

Might lose my job over this, frankly I don't give a damn as long as I can make an attempt to make the lives of my coworkers more bearable.

Wish me luck.

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