
Discussion on confronting world issues

I originally posted to portland sub but I'll post here too I know portland has its history of protests and all that but what are we gonna do about things like corporate greed, climate change, human welfare, etc.. everyday there's posts in subs like r/antiwork about other countries protesting and striking and seeing change. So what if the cops put beatings on us in the past, this whole shit show of a world is bigger than all our little personal lives. The world is burning, old men in suits control the world, and for what? More yachts and record profits meanwhile there's record high temperatures and mental illness? We seriously need to come together and get some shit going and changing, we need to confront corporations that are destroying the world and confront these corrupt politicians that have influence on the world. Each and every one of them, name by…

I originally posted to portland sub but I'll post here too

I know portland has its history of protests and all that but what are we gonna do about things like corporate greed, climate change, human welfare, etc.. everyday there's posts in subs like r/antiwork about other countries protesting and striking and seeing change. So what if the cops put beatings on us in the past, this whole shit show of a world is bigger than all our little personal lives. The world is burning, old men in suits control the world, and for what? More yachts and record profits meanwhile there's record high temperatures and mental illness? We seriously need to come together and get some shit going and changing, we need to confront corporations that are destroying the world and confront these corrupt politicians that have influence on the world. Each and every one of them, name by name hold them accountable. Forget the ideas of law and concepts like capitalism vs socialism and all that bullshit we just need to focus on human welfare and protecting our home, our Earth. I know there's been posts like this before and low quality narcissistic ignorant people may talk their shit and say they'll focus on their own lives but you clowns can fuck off with your irrelevant opinions. We're caught in a trap of having to work to get our needs met. Like Lois once said in Malcolm in the middle, “people like us have been getting the short end of the stick for thousands of years! AND I FOR ONE, AM SICK OF IT!” PRIORITIZE HUMAN WELFARE AND HUMAN ADVANCEMENT BEFORE ITS TOO LATE. ORGANIZE. I'm a young man with the rest of my life ahead of me and I know damn well the state of our world has been burdened and damned by our predecessors who were ignorantly focused on profit and greed. Gen Z has proved to be a generation of love, healing, and growing from our past and its time we as a whole work on this together. To fix the mistakes of boomer generations and older people. We clearly have different agendas, hopes, and aspirations for the world yet they're still the ones in control and making laws that drastically affect each and every one of us. This is somewhat of a rant but these conversations need to be started. For the love of God and for ffs share your ideas and perspectives as to how we can bring change and work to organize and bring people together to confront the problems of our world. We're better than this and we all deserve better.

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