
Disgraced CEO makes Millions while Company Lays-off hundreds

So the Company I work at, won't name names because they stalk these subreddits, but they are a big player in the housing industry, announced yesterday that they are laying off hundreds of workers because the market “isn't good” meanwhile we find out today that our former CEO who was fired for sleeping with his subordinates got a 9 Million Dollar Bonus. HOW MANY JOBS would that have saved. SO instead of my friends and co-workers being able to feed their families and put a roof over their head, ONE GUY gets a 9 MILLION DOLLAR pay day after being fired for knocking up his intern. Gotta love 'merica.

So the Company I work at, won't name names because they stalk these subreddits, but they are a big player in the housing industry, announced yesterday that they are laying off hundreds of workers because the market “isn't good” meanwhile we find out today that our former CEO who was fired for sleeping with his subordinates got a 9 Million Dollar Bonus. HOW MANY JOBS would that have saved. SO instead of my friends and co-workers being able to feed their families and put a roof over their head, ONE GUY gets a 9 MILLION DOLLAR pay day after being fired for knocking up his intern. Gotta love 'merica.

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