
Do any jobs actually reward people for doing what they’re ‘supposed’ to?

Because it seems like you’re rewarded more for doing the bare minimum. It kills me because i’m the type of person to just show up and do what’s asked of me/what needs to be done and i’m constantly cleaning up everyone else’s shit that doesn’t even do the absolute bare minimum. To be fair, I’m talking mostly lower level retail jobs but regardless of the company or whatever it doesn’t take long at all before I get taken advantage of for being that type of person. I try to detach myself from the work to try not to care as much about it but then I seem to just be more miserable because i’m already aware there isn’t much room for growth and then I just find myself pissed off for being there at all A step forward I can see is finishing my degree but I constantly see people…

Because it seems like you’re rewarded more for doing the bare minimum. It kills me because i’m the type of person to just show up and do what’s asked of me/what needs to be done and i’m constantly cleaning up everyone else’s shit that doesn’t even do the absolute bare minimum.

To be fair, I’m talking mostly lower level retail jobs but regardless of the company or whatever it doesn’t take long at all before I get taken advantage of for being that type of person. I try to detach myself from the work to try not to care as much about it but then I seem to just be more miserable because i’m already aware there isn’t much room for growth and then I just find myself pissed off for being there at all

A step forward I can see is finishing my degree but I constantly see people with high level degrees they spent thousands if not hundreds of thousands on, that either can’t find a job or only find work that seems to not even allow them to pay for their student debt. I’m already 10k in the hole, I know I want to at least finish my associates at a technical college but I just don’t see it getting much better when I do, especially where I live. I just bought a car and i’m super grateful for that, I just don’t know where there is to move forward from here. If I have to play this game at the very least Id like to have the option to level up

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