
Do evals ever ask how we feel about our employees?

I need to express how much I hate them. Sucks bc I love this job but all my employees do is make me feel left out. If it wasn’t illegal I’d include a violent desire in the eval. But anyway … will my eval ask how I feel about employees? I gotta get out my rage .. I’ll have to leave a lot out so I’m not arrested or hospitalized… but yeah. They’re stupid so allow me feel left out. Ahhh if only they knew my sick , deranged mind ….

I need to express how much I hate them. Sucks bc I love this job but all my employees do is make me feel left out. If it wasn’t illegal I’d include a violent desire in the eval. But anyway … will my eval ask how I feel about employees? I gotta get out my rage .. I’ll have to leave a lot out so I’m not arrested or hospitalized… but yeah. They’re stupid so allow me feel left out. Ahhh if only they knew my sick , deranged mind ….

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