
Do I have a case? former boss stole $10s of thousands from me

About 3 years ago in California, I was a contracted worker who only made commission and was only paid cash by a marijuana business. basically, I closed a deal with a company that had 5-6 stores after months of working for slave wages. They initially only placed one order which I made about $1200 from. However, this deal that I brokered because again this guy owned 6 stores and this was his first order, turned out to be worth tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands worth of commission over that year. The kicker is, the owner of my company, just after I closed this deal, decided to unjustly fire me with 0 reason or evidence. So essentially I closed a deal worth $100k but I only received $1200. Do I have a case? Thank you for the help! this has been something that really messed me up as…

About 3 years ago in California, I was a contracted worker who only made commission and was only paid cash by a marijuana business. basically, I closed a deal with a company that had 5-6 stores after months of working for slave wages. They initially only placed one order which I made about $1200 from. However, this deal that I brokered because again this guy owned 6 stores and this was his first order, turned out to be worth tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands worth of commission over that year. The kicker is, the owner of my company, just after I closed this deal, decided to unjustly fire me with 0 reason or evidence. So essentially I closed a deal worth $100k but I only received $1200.

Do I have a case? Thank you for the help! this has been something that really messed me up as a person and screwed me in so many ways. Hoping I can return the favor to this POS bully of a boss.

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