
Do I have to finish my 2 week notice?

I have spent over two years at this company so far and I had put in my 2 week notice almost 2 weeks ago. I only have 3 work days left until my last official day on the job; however I’ve exhausted my sick time and I was wondering if there would be any consequences for calling out the rest of the days. I know the general answer to this would be to just finish the 2 weeks but I feel like I’ve been being treated different since I put in my notice. Ive been wanting to quit since there first day and has greatly impacted my mental/physical health in a negative way. I’ve just about had it with everyone/everything here (it’s a 12 hour night shift) so you could probably imagine how hard this decision is. Please let me know your thoughts 🫠

I have spent over two years at this company so far and I had put in my 2 week notice almost 2 weeks ago. I only have 3 work days left until my last official day on the job; however I’ve exhausted my sick time and I was wondering if there would be any consequences for calling out the rest of the days. I know the general answer to this would be to just finish the 2 weeks but I feel like I’ve been being treated different since I put in my notice. Ive been wanting to quit since there first day and has greatly impacted my mental/physical health in a negative way. I’ve just about had it with everyone/everything here (it’s a 12 hour night shift) so you could probably imagine how hard this decision is. Please let me know your thoughts 🫠

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