
Do I have to get another job I hate where I’m stuck day after day 9-5 with only 2 weeks a year off?

I am middle aged, single with a dog. I have worked all my adult life in a field I don't like but I never had a clear profession path that resonated with me and I went to a trade school but discovered I didn't really like that profession. I have worked in customer service- or a less horrible variation of- all my adult life. My most recent job ended because our small company got bought out, dismantled and everyone laid off. I have been looking for another job while unemployent nears it's end but my heart is not in it. I have moved in with parents for an unrelated reason, and I want to move out, but they want me to stay. I help out with groceries and chores, and they could manage on thier own but of course they are getting old and less able to do things. So…

I am middle aged, single with a dog. I have worked all my adult life in a field I don't like but I never had a clear profession path that resonated with me and I went to a trade school but discovered I didn't really like that profession. I have worked in customer service- or a less horrible variation of- all my adult life. My most recent job ended because our small company got bought out, dismantled and everyone laid off. I have been looking for another job while unemployent nears it's end but my heart is not in it. I have moved in with parents for an unrelated reason, and I want to move out, but they want me to stay. I help out with groceries and chores, and they could manage on thier own but of course they are getting old and less able to do things. So my point being I have drastically reduced my bills and costs, and I don't like being broke but I'm able to manage. As I sit here every day looking for another job I wonder.. Do I really have to do this again? My life is slipping from me and I don't get to experience it. I have been looking into less stable means of getting money.. house sitting, pet sitting, pay per task type of jobs.. Am I just being irresponsible and getting out of what you're supposed to do as an adult?

Edited to add- it's not that I don't want to work, it's that I don't want to work doing something I don't like stuck in a schedule that does not allow me to do anything else or I have to beg for time off to go to the dentist.

Is it possible to be successful in life (meaning bills are paid, needs are met, getting to do things that make you happy) without another soul sucking time sucking job? If anyone has done this, please share! I need encouragement that it is possible.

tl;dr I don't want to join the rat race again, I want to enjoy my life while meeting my needs at the same time.

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