
Do I need legal advice?

Hello! On mobile so forgive any formatting weirdness. Also not sure if this is the place for it but I wasn’t sure where else to go. I do a secondary on-call service at my job, nights and weekends. There’s a rotation so rates vary depending where you are in the schedule. Due to an error in accounting, I didn’t get $1200 worth of pay in early December. They apologized and said it would get fixed. Last paycheck, it wasn’t there again. I asked, same deal. I got paid today. SAME. THING. I know this isn’t malicious, and I do really (mostly) love my job, but I have rent due. I have enough savings to cover it, but I’m still new to budgeting and not having this is screwing with me a lot. Should I skip over payroll and go to HR about it? Should I be seeking legal advice? It’s…

Hello! On mobile so forgive any formatting weirdness. Also not sure if this is the place for it but I wasn’t sure where else to go.

I do a secondary on-call service at my job, nights and weekends. There’s a rotation so rates vary depending where you are in the schedule. Due to an error in accounting, I didn’t get $1200 worth of pay in early December. They apologized and said it would get fixed. Last paycheck, it wasn’t there again. I asked, same deal. I got paid today. SAME. THING. I know this isn’t malicious, and I do really (mostly) love my job, but I have rent due. I have enough savings to cover it, but I’m still new to budgeting and not having this is screwing with me a lot. Should I skip over payroll and go to HR about it? Should I be seeking legal advice? It’s been two months since I was supposed to get it. I’ve gotten the payments for Dec/Jan but not Oct/Nov (paid two months at a time). I have an email chain about this too (forwarded to my personal in case ‘something’ happens; not that I think it will but I’ve seen horror stories here).

EDIT: United States, Texas

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