
Do I need to comply with the company’s demand to work full-time in the office?

I'm in California. I was hired during lockdown and have been working three days a week in the office for nearly a year. We've been advised that starting April 1 we will be full time in the office. I looked at the original job posting I answered, and read through the employment letter. At no point in either is there a mention of being required to work in the office. This being “at-will” employment was mentioned several times in the employment letter, though. Can they force me to go in? I'm much more productive at home where I don't have a gaggle of Karens hanging near my desk talking about their weekends, or where they're going for lunch. I just want to work my eight hours at home and not deal with the added two hours of getting there and back.

I'm in California. I was hired during lockdown and have been working three days a week in the office for nearly a year. We've been advised that starting April 1 we will be full time in the office. I looked at the original job posting I answered, and read through the employment letter. At no point in either is there a mention of being required to work in the office. This being “at-will” employment was mentioned several times in the employment letter, though. Can they force me to go in? I'm much more productive at home where I don't have a gaggle of Karens hanging near my desk talking about their weekends, or where they're going for lunch. I just want to work my eight hours at home and not deal with the added two hours of getting there and back.

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