
Do quit or not to quit

I have a conundrum…I recently started a new job that is a 4-month summer student contract. I’m a week and a half in and I am absolutely hating it. Although it’s in a field I am interested in, it’s a remote position and I never see my coworkers, and I feel like I am wasting every day doing nothing, talking to no one and learning nothing. I have really tried to make an effort to reach out to co workers about this/ set up meetings with them to get me through the day but it is really not cutting it. My mental health is suffering really badley and I want to quit but I can’t due to the contract, and I need this position to graduate from my masters degree in august. Any advice on how to stick it out / what I should do?

I have a conundrum…I recently started a new job that is a 4-month summer student contract. I’m a week and a half in and I am absolutely hating it. Although it’s in a field I am interested in, it’s a remote position and I never see my coworkers, and I feel like I am wasting every day doing nothing, talking to no one and learning nothing. I have really tried to make an effort to reach out to co workers about this/ set up meetings with them to get me through the day but it is really not cutting it.

My mental health is suffering really badley and I want to quit but I can’t due to the contract, and I need this position to graduate from my masters degree in august.

Any advice on how to stick it out / what I should do?

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