
Do we have anyone here from Minneapolis?

Hi, I’m Keebs. I’m a 21 year old living in the Twin Cities area and I’m looking to organize. I’ve never organized a protest and frankly, I want to avoid making myself look stupid if I didn’t do this right, but here’s the bottom line. All the social media circles that I float around in; comments under tiktoks, instagram pages, tiktok videos, reddit threads. Everyone (at least in the US) is asking ourselves when enough is enough and people will revolt. It seems protests aren’t as normalized here as they are in other countries. But I can’t imagine anything will happen without someone starting, as small as it’d be. If I put out a call for anyone from the Twin Cities to join for protest, to speak our minds, and put how we’re feeling about the current socioeconomic system into the ears of others, would you join? Is this something…


I’m Keebs. I’m a 21 year old living in the Twin Cities area and I’m looking to organize. I’ve never organized a protest and frankly, I want to avoid making myself look stupid if I didn’t do this right, but here’s the bottom line. All the social media circles that I float around in; comments under tiktoks, instagram pages, tiktok videos, reddit threads. Everyone (at least in the US) is asking ourselves when enough is enough and people will revolt. It seems protests aren’t as normalized here as they are in other countries. But I can’t imagine anything will happen without someone starting, as small as it’d be.

If I put out a call for anyone from the Twin Cities to join for protest, to speak our minds, and put how we’re feeling about the current socioeconomic system into the ears of others, would you join? Is this something people would actually participate in if given enough reason to? This feedback would motivate if I actually want to organize or not.


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