
Do you ever find that everyone focuses on the price of Gas as some sticking point for inflation but honestly its like the just the smallest portion of the iceberg and its everything else that makes it way worse like groceries and housing

I see all these reports of Biden being like well we are going to release all these oil reserves and everything will be ok. Great so gas goes back to say $3 a gallon does anyone think going to the grocery store is going to be any cheaper? Like all of a sudden they are going to lower the price of groceries or that all of a sudden rent is going to get cheaper. No that will remain the same but sweet gas is cheaper, like its crazy I do not care if gas goes back to $3 a gallon I want to be able to go to the grocery store and not see pasta sauce for $4-5. In 2006 I was the Assistant store manager for Blockbuster when they went out of business in my town, I was making $8 an hour, my rent was $650 and I actually…

I see all these reports of Biden being like well we are going to release all these oil reserves and everything will be ok. Great so gas goes back to say $3 a gallon does anyone think going to the grocery store is going to be any cheaper? Like all of a sudden they are going to lower the price of groceries or that all of a sudden rent is going to get cheaper. No that will remain the same but sweet gas is cheaper, like its crazy I do not care if gas goes back to $3 a gallon I want to be able to go to the grocery store and not see pasta sauce for $4-5.

In 2006 I was the Assistant store manager for Blockbuster when they went out of business in my town, I was making $8 an hour, my rent was $650 and I actually could survive not thrive but survive because while rent was about 50% of my income everything was cheaper, utilities, food, entertainment like going to the movies. Gas was about $2 a gallon at the time. I got a job making $10 an hour right after that and thought oh my gosh so much more money. Shortly after that I got a job that was like $11 an hour plus commissions (this is probably the single worst job I have ever had in my life and I stayed for 2 years because the money was good, even though it caused me tendinitis in my shoulder that took 9 months to heal at a call center from data entry that was beyond miserable to work for) that put me around $16-17 an hour. Honestly this is probably the most money I had had for just whatever leisure purposes. Rent was about $800 now but everything was still cheaper, I remember every paycheck every 2 weeks both me and my wife would get $200 just spending money to do whatever we wanted with it. Eating out was no issue we, don't wanna cook no problem what do you want from the Chinese place we like.

This is what I am not hearing people scream about enough, I do hear lots of grumblings about rent (honestly I am not sure how anyone does it anymore I am so glad I have a mortgage now instead of renting and am not at the whim of these greedy corporations buying up all the rentals or watching all those idiot tik tok videos of just buy rentals and you can have all this passive income).

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