
Do you find a pay raise of +$1/hr insulting?

I recently asked for a raise At my full time job. (I work in the trades) we’re short handed and the wage just isn’t livable (by todays standards especially.) They gave me another dollar which i accepted, but I was hoping for at least 2 or 3+ more an hour. Obviously it’s old news that companies really just don’t value your time. I just hyped myself up thinking it would be different this time and they would actually pay me a decent wage. When I was hired they gave me the whole “after 90 days we can see about bumping you up etc” speech but nothing came on day 91. A dollar just seems so insincere to me. And they always make it seem like they’re stretching themselves so thin for another 40 dollars (before taxes) a week. Like what am I supposed to kiss your ring and bow to…

I recently asked for a raise At my full time job. (I work in the trades) we’re short handed and the wage just isn’t livable (by todays standards especially.) They gave me another dollar which i accepted, but I was hoping for at least 2 or 3+ more an hour. Obviously it’s old news that companies really just don’t value your time. I just hyped myself up thinking it would be different this time and they would actually pay me a decent wage. When I was hired they gave me the whole “after 90 days we can see about bumping you up etc” speech but nothing came on day 91. A dollar just seems so insincere to me. And they always make it seem like they’re stretching themselves so thin for another 40 dollars (before taxes) a week. Like what am I supposed to kiss your ring and bow to you for your gracious gift? I just smiled and nodded when my boss told me. Cause what else am I gonna do.
Agree? Disagree?

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