
Do you get this mad?

This might make me sound crazy, but does anyone here just wish there was a revolution sometimes? All these corporations are so fuckin evil and they can influence policy directly by lobbying as hard as they want and sometimes it feels like they'd only listen if there was mass outcry or they actually lost a lot of money. I just want some genuine opinions and feelings cause feeling like I'm the only person that feels like that sometimes, makes me feel like I'm just some crazy nutjob. Unsure if this actually break rule number 5 or not, I'm not calling for violence against people I am just curious if other people get that mad about how greedy corporations can be, if it does I apologise and please delete my post.

This might make me sound crazy, but does anyone here just wish there was a revolution sometimes? All these corporations are so fuckin evil and they can influence policy directly by lobbying as hard as they want and sometimes it feels like they'd only listen if there was mass outcry or they actually lost a lot of money.

I just want some genuine opinions and feelings cause feeling like I'm the only person that feels like that sometimes, makes me feel like I'm just some crazy nutjob.

Unsure if this actually break rule number 5 or not, I'm not calling for violence against people I am just curious if other people get that mad about how greedy corporations can be, if it does I apologise and please delete my post.

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