
Do you go above and beyond?

My last job I went above and beyond and while it got me a promotion, the moment I pointed out how they could do better they pushed me out. Making me feel like shit, over working me, constantly pushing me to do more on my shitty pay. They pushed me to go on contract when I asked for a raise that I felt was fair and then still low-balled me by $3. I've since quit and decided to do school full time while taking up a part time job. Now I just do the bare minimum. I do nothing extra unless I am told to do so. I am less exhausted now and it feels great. Do you go above and beyond?

My last job I went above and beyond and while it got me a promotion, the moment I pointed out how they could do better they pushed me out. Making me feel like shit, over working me, constantly pushing me to do more on my shitty pay. They pushed me to go on contract when I asked for a raise that I felt was fair and then still low-balled me by $3.

I've since quit and decided to do school full time while taking up a part time job. Now I just do the bare minimum. I do nothing extra unless I am told to do so. I am less exhausted now and it feels great.

Do you go above and beyond?

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