
Do you guys actually think anything will get better?

I’m sorry if this is a little depressing or weirdly formatted (i’m on mobile) or really anything to be honest I guess this is kind of just a blind jab for some hope. I see all this stuff about corps and big conglomerate holding companies and borderline monopolies and experiencing how hard it is to live while ceos and shit live like gods and it genuinely makes me want to end myself. For reference , I live in the US and i’m in my early twenties. I work two minimum wage jobs, and not only do I not have time to do anything fun, I can’t afford it either. I’m like, tired like middle aged tired and I haven’t even hit 25. All I see and experience is borderline suffering and I don’t really feel like it’s gonna get any better. None of my friends have enough money, or even…

I’m sorry if this is a little depressing or weirdly formatted (i’m on mobile) or really anything to be honest I guess this is kind of just a blind jab for some hope.

I see all this stuff about corps and big conglomerate holding companies and borderline monopolies and experiencing how hard it is to live while ceos and shit live like gods and it genuinely makes me want to end myself.

For reference , I live in the US and i’m in my early twenties. I work two minimum wage jobs, and not only do I not have time to do anything fun, I can’t afford it either. I’m like, tired like middle aged tired and I haven’t even hit 25. All I see and experience is borderline suffering and I don’t really feel like it’s gonna get any better. None of my friends have enough money, or even a whiff or vague promise of financial comfort at any point in the future. Not that any of us even have the time or energy to hang out anyway… I know people graduated with degrees working at coffee shops living with their parents. My jobs treat me like garbage, but all i can do is complain and beg like a dog for like, a little bit of kindness even.

I think about living the rest of my life like this and not even the little moments of fun seem to outweigh that. I can’t afford to even go to concerts because ticketmaster spits acid in my eyes with overpriced resale tickets everytime I see an artist I like is coming to my city.

Anyway, just wanted to know if you guys have any hope or insight, because in my head, killing myself in front of some conglomerate headquarters to make a point or even just dying silently in the river is seeming pretty nice.

Sorry if this kinda thing isn’t allowed on this sub i’m really just kind of grasping at straws here.

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