
Do you guys realize how close you are to getting it?

Honest question. I've been lurking the comments and I feel like you guys are 90% of the way to realizing that we are on the threshold of global enslavement. The injustices you describe are part in parcel with the WEF/UN agenda to immiserate the general population in order to make us dependent enough to accept digital surveillance and denigrating work/life conditions. CBDCs and 15 minute cities contribute to this. You are being treated like a slave because they view you as a slave. Prove you're not. If you're one of those “what's your source” people just look up MEP Christine Anderson and listen to her commentary. Surely a member of European parliament is high enough pedigree to be valid. Viewing her will also lead you to other voices resonating with that view point. There is no political solution, there is no social solution, we must simply assert our personally autonomy…

Honest question. I've been lurking the comments and I feel like you guys are 90% of the way to realizing that we are on the threshold of global enslavement. The injustices you describe are part in parcel with the WEF/UN agenda to immiserate the general population in order to make us dependent enough to accept digital surveillance and denigrating work/life conditions. CBDCs and 15 minute cities contribute to this. You are being treated like a slave because they view you as a slave. Prove you're not. If you're one of those “what's your source” people just look up MEP Christine Anderson and listen to her commentary. Surely a member of European parliament is high enough pedigree to be valid. Viewing her will also lead you to other voices resonating with that view point. There is no political solution, there is no social solution, we must simply assert our personally autonomy at any cost. I say this as someone who lost t heir 6 figure job standing up for this ideal while his wife was pregnant. We now have our son and I'm still unemployed but our lives have never been better. Don't be afraid. There is more to this life than just career and finances. Everything comes as it is needed if you believe in it. Rant over.

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