
Do you think I deserve a raise?

I have worked at a small private ice cream factory for 7 years.When I started there I was making $9 an hour, I learned everything about running the factory and am now making $21 an hour. It took me around 5 years to start making even $18. I haven’t called in sick in over 2 years although I do come in 5-20 mins late a few times a week. They started hiring people at $17 an hour and there are some people who have been here for over a year and are making $17. I think I should be making at least a few dollars more per hour than than the people their hiring especially because of how long I’ve been there and the amount of work I do. What do you guys think.

I have worked at a small private ice cream factory for 7 years.When I started there I was making $9 an hour, I learned everything about running the factory and am now making $21 an hour. It took me around 5 years to start making even $18. I haven’t called in sick in over 2 years although I do come in 5-20 mins late a few times a week.
They started hiring people at $17 an hour and there are some people who have been here for over a year and are making $17. I think I should be making at least a few dollars more per hour than than the people their hiring especially because of how long I’ve been there and the amount of work I do. What do you guys think.

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