
Do you think the Fed’s goal of stopping an inflation feedback loop by causing higher unemployment will net them the results they are after?

Apparently, the Fed is worried that higher prices and higher wages will cause an inflation feedback loop that could lead to hyperinflation and is raising rates, hoping to reduce “demand” and increase our unemployment rate. And yeah, layoffs are starting to happen, but there's still a labor crunch. Correct me if I'm wrong on all that. I might be talking out of my ass. I don't think I am though.

Apparently, the Fed is worried that higher prices and higher wages will cause an inflation feedback loop that could lead to hyperinflation and is raising rates, hoping to reduce “demand” and increase our unemployment rate.

And yeah, layoffs are starting to happen, but there's still a labor crunch.

Correct me if I'm wrong on all that. I might be talking out of my ass. I don't think I am though.

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