
The write up I got today for not being on the phone with them daily.

Xxxx, as a supervisor of the X Department it is imperative that daily communication is vital within your role. The following are incidences that requires your attention: 1. Since April we have spoken on several occasions regarding how during training items were skipped on the checklists, logs not balanced for days, cases created from emails but not communicated creating extra work, saving reports on your direct reports checklist so you could balance logs but not communicating to them creating extra work. Communication with me and your direct reports: when completing tasks not communicating in Teams as instructed, researching, or completing tasks assigned to others but not communicating to the Team creating unnecessary work for others. 2. Daily check-in with direct reports: as a supervisor your duties include communicating with your direct reports to ensure the workflow goes smoothly. Since July we have spoken about setting up expectations with your team…

Xxxx, as a supervisor of the X Department it is imperative that daily communication is vital within your role.
The following are incidences that requires your attention:
1. Since April we have spoken on several occasions regarding how during training items were skipped on the checklists, logs not balanced for days, cases created from emails but not communicated creating extra work, saving reports on your direct reports checklist so you could balance logs but not communicating to them creating extra work. Communication with me and your direct reports: when completing tasks not communicating in Teams as instructed, researching, or completing tasks assigned to others but not communicating to the Team creating unnecessary work for others.
2. Daily check-in with direct reports: as a supervisor your duties include communicating with your direct reports to ensure the workflow goes smoothly. Since July we have spoken about setting up expectations with your team regarding scheduling one on one with the team to ensure the daily tasks are completed with your direct reports and communicating with me any issues they may have as well as what is outstanding to determine delegating tasks. I am constantly asking if you have spoken with your direct reports, only to find out that you rarely ever call them or ask what tasks are outstanding. The time set up daily at 4:30pm to 4:45pm PST on your calendar beginning on 07/26/22 you have only called me a couple of times. On 08/08/22 I sent a message in Teams asking you if you had reached out to Y since Z was on DTO. Your response was “not yet – she’s working a regular schedule. My response was “Yes, but it’s good to check to ensure there are no issues.” You did not respond. After I returned from DTO on 08/29/22 we determined since 4:30pm to 4:45pm PST did not work for you, we updated the meeting time changed to 3:00pm to 3:15pm PST. On 09/06/22 you did not call. On 09/12/22 you missed calling me for your
HR/R 05.2022

daily check-in regarding communication with your direct reports. I sent a message asking if you had called them – your response was no.
3. On several occasions you were instructed to communicate through Teams and to call me with any issues found or missing reports/statements. I am constantly asking for updates instead of you providing the information as you find it. On 08/04/22, I called you three times before you answered. When we spoke, you said you were not tied to your phone. You agreed Teams would be better, so I called you through Teams, but you did not answer. On 06/07/22 an email was sent to you regarding XView (Transaction Application) notes to be consistent with mine when approving cases. You were asked to send them in Teams for my review. As of 09/15/22, you started creating the notes. A second email was sent 08/04/22 referencing the 06/04/22 email asking for examples so that we could combine/create them together. On 09/02/22 I noticed on the Daily Reconciliation cases you are consistent with my notes, but Reimbursement cases are not.

Your conducts are Prohibited Behaviors as described in the Everi Employee Handbook 04.01.2022 on page 25 in which you had acknowledged in UltiPro:
 Insubordination, including but not limited to, failure or refusal to obey the orders or instructions of a supervisor or member of management, or the use of abusive, inappropriate, or threatening language toward a supervisor or member of management;
Expectations going forward:
 Daily check-ins with direct reports at least one phone call an hour before they clock out for day to
assess outstanding tasks
 Call me as a touch point with updates – keep the daily calendar set at 3:45pm – 4:00pm PST
 Be accessible during agreed work schedule Monday-Friday, 7:00am to 4:00pm PST
 To respond to external emails within same day
 To respond and acknowledge to internal emails within 24 hours
 To respond to Teams message by end of the business day
Further infractions/occurrences may result in additional disciplinary action up to, and including, termination of employment.

Employee Statement
(I was told that I can give my statement here, but I don’t think it will make any difference. Manager is still copied on any correspondence with HR)

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