
Does anybody else have this?

I was talking with my management and the topic of quitting after using vacation time came up. Apparently if I don’t accumulate a full vacation week worth of hours throughout the year and I were to use a single day I would be responsible for paying the company back for the full weeks worth of time if it is not earned if I quit before that. It sounds very illegal but what do I know, I prob singed the contract with it in the fine print when I was 19. Still tho, wtf (Edit) additional context I’m 24 and this is in FL

I was talking with my management and the topic of quitting after using vacation time came up. Apparently if I don’t accumulate a full vacation week worth of hours throughout the year and I were to use a single day I would be responsible for paying the company back for the full weeks worth of time if it is not earned if I quit before that. It sounds very illegal but what do I know, I prob singed the contract with it in the fine print when I was 19. Still tho, wtf
(Edit) additional context I’m 24 and this is in FL

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