
Does anyone else get the urge to be a child again? Nostalgia over the time of my life where I didn’t have to work.

I 24F have had a really, really difficult time adjusting to full-time work life over the past two years. I switched to a new job 6 months ago since I was miserable at my last one, and I thought I would finally be happy. But I don't like this job either and now I feel like I have to stay here for at least another year, and am feeling so stuck and depressed over it. It's just so depressing to spend 8-5 M-F doing something that makes me miserable. Managers scolding me, performance reviews, being given projects with little to no direction – it's so tiring. I'm trying so hard to make my life outside of work more fun, but I'm so exhausted after work that half the time I just go home and watch TV until I fall asleep. I just live for the weekends and bottle up my…

I 24F have had a really, really difficult time adjusting to full-time work life over the past two years. I switched to a new job 6 months ago since I was miserable at my last one, and I thought I would finally be happy. But I don't like this job either and now I feel like I have to stay here for at least another year, and am feeling so stuck and depressed over it.

It's just so depressing to spend 8-5 M-F doing something that makes me miserable. Managers scolding me, performance reviews, being given projects with little to no direction – it's so tiring. I'm trying so hard to make my life outside of work more fun, but I'm so exhausted after work that half the time I just go home and watch TV until I fall asleep. I just live for the weekends and bottle up my sadness during the week. I have no idea if I'll ever be able to find work that actually makes me happy.

On my way to and from work I pass a playground. I'll look over at at the children playing and I get this strong urge to be back in their shoes. I just don't want to be held responsible for or worry about anything work-related. But I literally won't ever be able to escape it, so I daydream about going back in time instead. I'm just curious if others have felt this.

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