
Does anyone here know anyone that actually DEFENDS American working laws?

I know many people (who tend to be older) who have said that European countries who have better working laws than the United States with 3 weeks of mandatory vacation time, years worth of parental leave, all that shit, and I know people who say “oh it's because those countries are lazy!” “those countries are lazy socialists!” “they don't know good work ethic for shit”. Imagine being so proud of being exploited, that a work life balance is literally communism. Even though taking vacations is better for mental health, and it's important to have a life (…. Americans just want to go “LA LA LA LA I CANT HEAR YOU” and continue being exploited.

I know many people (who tend to be older) who have said that European countries who have better working laws than the United States with 3 weeks of mandatory vacation time, years worth of parental leave, all that shit, and I know people who say “oh it's because those countries are lazy!” “those countries are lazy socialists!” “they don't know good work ethic for shit”. Imagine being so proud of being exploited, that a work life balance is literally communism.

Even though taking vacations is better for mental health, and it's important to have a life (…. Americans just want to go “LA LA LA LA I CANT HEAR YOU” and continue being exploited.

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