
Does anything actually change from those yearly employee surveys?

Working anywhere you’ll find out they have these mandatory “anonymous” employee surveys. They try to get your opinion about things. I feel like they’re a waste of time completely. At some places of work I felt like I couldn’t answer honestly for fear of being sat down with hr about it. But what happens is somewhat worse, we are ignored. At one place I worked apparently one year communication was a major vague point that was brought up for improvement. The hr woman quite literally said to us when going over it, something along the lines of “communication would be nice to improve on but that’s not a measurable goal.” And that’s all that was said about it. No follow up questions in the team meaning defining what some people meant, nothing. Do your companies change things that are brought up or are you feeling you’re forced to check 5…

Working anywhere you’ll find out they have these mandatory “anonymous” employee surveys. They try to get your opinion about things. I feel like they’re a waste of time completely. At some places of work I felt like I couldn’t answer honestly for fear of being sat down with hr about it. But what happens is somewhat worse, we are ignored.

At one place I worked apparently one year communication was a major vague point that was brought up for improvement. The hr woman quite literally said to us when going over it, something along the lines of “communication would be nice to improve on but that’s not a measurable goal.”
And that’s all that was said about it. No follow up questions in the team meaning defining what some people meant, nothing.

Do your companies change things that are brought up or are you feeling you’re forced to check 5 stars on everything?

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