
Does it sound like my boss has/will block my transfer?

Corporate setting- I got promoted after 6 months, but my married boss was sexually harassing me from burner accounts on Instagram immediately after on some quid pro quo sh*t. I have no proof it was him but the messages made it pretty obvious and he was acting very funny afterwards. I’ve heard from other people that he has a thing for me. I never confronted him about it and we continued on like nothing happened. I think he is harmless (physically, not afraid of being raped or anything). I have been in my new role for a few months and saw an opening for a different role that would be a lateral transfer- I had every single skill they were looking for and more. The manager was very very excited and even got into the details of who would be training me during the interview. They said they had been…

Corporate setting- I got promoted after 6 months, but my married boss was sexually harassing me from burner accounts on Instagram immediately after on some quid pro quo sh*t. I have no proof it was him but the messages made it pretty obvious and he was acting very funny afterwards. I’ve heard from other people that he has a thing for me. I never confronted him about it and we continued on like nothing happened. I think he is harmless (physically, not afraid of being raped or anything). I have been in my new role for a few months and saw an opening for a different role that would be a lateral transfer- I had every single skill they were looking for and more. The manager was very very excited and even got into the details of who would be training me during the interview. They said they had been looking for someone with my experience for a while and the time between me applying for the position and getting the interview was less than a week. Right after the interview, he told me he wanted me to meet his team the next day and that they were looking to fill the role quickly as they had recently lost 2 employees. I had my one on one with my boss later and he asked me how the interview went (I let him know beforehand because he had to sign the pre transfer paperwork, which he did). I told him it went well and that I was supposed to meet the team the next day and I would probably have an answer the following week. My boss got mad and said he would need at least a 4 week notice, although I do not do anything too important. The next day(Friday) the manager I interviewed with told me the recruiter should have reached out to me already. It’s now Tuesday and I have not heard from anyone. I have a feeling that my boss is blocking my transfer. Is it possible he did? How can I find out for sure? I’m not sure if it would be due to the sexual harassment or because I am very good at my job, put together and well spoken.

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