
Does my supervisor make fun of me behind my back?

I, 23 M, an a Marketing Associate for a local performing arts center. I did not go to school for performing arts, but I specialize in digital content and they are looking to do more with their social platforms. My supervisor, 27 F, is really close with our Associate Director of Marketing- they have matching tattoos, go out together, etc. They also have a friend who works in the box office, and have recently started hanging out with our latest addition to the team, who is also closer to all of their ages. I have only been invited to hang out with them once outside of work- and this was when I first started in September. Meanwhile, my supervisor, the other people in my department, and the box officer go out after every opening night. Never have they invited me, except for a few rare occasions to get coffee or…

I, 23 M, an a Marketing Associate for a local performing arts center. I did not go to school for performing arts, but I specialize in digital content and they are looking to do more with their social platforms.

My supervisor, 27 F, is really close with our Associate Director of Marketing- they have matching tattoos, go out together, etc. They also have a friend who works in the box office, and have recently started hanging out with our latest addition to the team, who is also closer to all of their ages.

I have only been invited to hang out with them once outside of work- and this was when I first started in September. Meanwhile, my supervisor, the other people in my department, and the box officer go out after every opening night. Never have they invited me, except for a few rare occasions to get coffee or have an “offsite chat”.

Currently I am on Week Four of a Six Week Work Plan. I haven't told my friends, family, or even my therapist. I'm offended that my supervisor thinks I grapple with my job abilities when I'm trying my hardest. I was at a discriminatory workplace at my last job, and I vowed when I took this one that I would try harder.

An older lady that works next to me told me today that my supervisor probably doesn't have the mental capacity to think about me in a negative light, since were in the middle of our season.

I have always been a sensitive person- I've had moments in the office where I just break down crying from feeling overwhelmed.

Today her friend (the box officer) sat in our office with us after his shift. She asked me if I had gotten a task done, and admittedly I did change the subject because it was not on my priority list. She then directly said “great, but what about the task I just mentioned?” And her friend made a noise- only way I can describe it was like from the meme “and I oop-” with only the last word.

I got back to my work, putting in my headphones so I can drown out the noise. But I don't put my music on. I hear them smiling and giggling on their phones and my cheeks heat up. For some reason, I felt like it was about me. Like there was something they didn't want me to know.

I understand that it's not required to hang out with your coworkers outside of work. But I can't help but feel excluded just because I'm a few years younger.

I love this job- I feel like I am growing as a person and the benefits are great.

But I can't help but feel like I'm being teased. What should I do?

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