
Does this policy mean that I’m not allowed to have a friend apply and work at the same job as me?

Im not sure if this is okay to post of anti work, I apologize. This job is a warehouse, everyone works on their own. But my friend recently quit her old job and is looking for a new one so I told her to apply for my job. She’s got an interview over the phone today, I read this and told her not to mention we are friends or that she knows anyone who works here. This is someone I don’t have conflict with and I don’t see it having an effect on the way I work and complete my tasks. But I would hate to get fired or forced to resign over this. Does a friend count as a personal relationship? Say she does get hired, will I have to pretend I don’t know her?

Im not sure if this is okay to post of anti work, I apologize.

This job is a warehouse, everyone works on their own. But my friend recently quit her old job and is looking for a new one so I told her to apply for my job. She’s got an interview over the phone today, I read this and told her not to mention we are friends or that she knows anyone who works here. This is someone I don’t have conflict with and I don’t see it having an effect on the way I work and complete my tasks. But I would hate to get fired or forced to resign over this. Does a friend count as a personal relationship?

Say she does get hired, will I have to pretend I don’t know her?

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