
Does this seem fair?

So my work place is closing down early for a Christmas Party today. We usually close at 5pm but today they are shutting down at 3 and letting people leave early to come to this party at a local restaurant here where we live. Here’s where it gets a little tricky though. The people who are scheduled to work after that time who would be leaving early do not get paid for that time. The higher ups stated that because people could drink at the party, the time could not be paid for. Also this was not the case last week when we were told about this. We were told that the time was paid for. It wasn’t until yesterday afternoon that the script was flipped and they told us they the people who would have their day cut short would not get paid for that time. They were told…

So my work place is closing down early for a Christmas Party today. We usually close at 5pm but today they are shutting down at 3 and letting people leave early to come to this party at a local restaurant here where we live.

Here’s where it gets a little tricky though. The people who are scheduled to work after that time who would be leaving early do not get paid for that time. The higher ups stated that because people could drink at the party, the time could not be paid for.

Also this was not the case last week when we were told about this. We were told that the time was paid for. It wasn’t until yesterday afternoon that the script was flipped and they told us they the people who would have their day cut short would not get paid for that time. They were told yesterday afternoon that they could come in early today and make up that time if they wanted to.

For most people their schedule is 8:30-5. They would have 2 hours to make up. In one day. So there’s several people who are not happy about this. I luckily am not affected by this (I work 6-2:30) but if it did affect me I would be very upset. These people had to choose between a check that’s 2 hours short or making up 2 extra hours in one day. Some people can’t afford 2 less hours. And changing their work day to 2 extra hours (had to be in the morning as well) was not doable for some.

Does this seem fair?

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