
Does this sound like workplace harassment ?

I had one new Manager after 5 months of working who kept telling me i would be terminated every day. She would not explain why, so eventually i went to HR and another manager and they told me she was giving me bad information and to ignore her and they would talk to her. After they talked to her i started to be harassed the next few days and continued to be told i would be terminated by the same manager and her assitant manager. So i went back to HR because i kept being told i would be terminated and again with no reason why. When i go to HR which you will see in the video when i started to record because it became to much & after that i continued to be harassed and it became thing after thing and that after threat to where i was…

I had one new Manager after 5 months of working who kept telling me i would be terminated every day. She would not explain why, so eventually i went to HR and another manager and they told me she was giving me bad information and to ignore her and they would talk to her. After they talked to her i started to be harassed the next few days and continued to be told i would be terminated by the same manager and her assitant manager.

So i went back to HR because i kept being told i would be terminated and again with no reason why. When i go to HR which you will see in the video when i started to record because it became to much & after that i continued to be harassed and it became thing after thing and that after threat to where i was forced to quit and you will hear this within the video. I even have one of the Human resource guy telling me after the third time of talking to them that they ttied to write me up two times so far but they were removed by HR.

Also before anyone say's it's illegal to record, it's not and the EEOC deemed it a “protected activity” in the work place when being harassed.

Youtube Link :

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