
Does your company take points off of your annual performance review for using accrued sick days?

This is my first job that has ever conducted yearly performance reviews, and it appears that they take points off for using accrued sick time (which is only a week max). They also ask employees to request sick time off in advance, and when you call out sick it seems it affects the review as well. How can anyone plan to be sick? Why should anyone be penalized for getting sick. We’re not robots. Humans get sick. To raise my score in that area, I was told to take no more than 1 sick day next year… Like the whole entire year. Is this commonplace for you guys?

This is my first job that has ever conducted yearly performance reviews, and it appears that they take points off for using accrued sick time (which is only a week max).

They also ask employees to request sick time off in advance, and when you call out sick it seems it affects the review as well. How can anyone plan to be sick? Why should anyone be penalized for getting sick. We’re not robots. Humans get sick.

To raise my score in that area, I was told to take no more than 1 sick day next year… Like the whole entire year.

Is this commonplace for you guys?

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