
Doing the job of an assistant manager without the official role and new hire gets paid about the same as I do.

So here's the deal. I used to work with an older guy in my company who makes quite a bit more than I do. He's about to retire and has moved to a different department. I've absorbed his responsibilities with no promotion. Earlier this year I had my annual review and received a raise. I told them I needed a better raise and they went from 4% to about 9% increase. That's all good. I've also been verbally promised a promotion at the beginning of the year following my next annual review. I've asked for a similar situation as the old assistant manager had (equivalent of 50hr week salary) but told them I don't need to be paid as high as he was yet since he had 20 years with the company. The thing is we have a new hire I'm training who is starting at a higher rate than…

So here's the deal. I used to work with an older guy in my company who makes quite a bit more than I do. He's about to retire and has moved to a different department. I've absorbed his responsibilities with no promotion. Earlier this year I had my annual review and received a raise. I told them I needed a better raise and they went from 4% to about 9% increase. That's all good. I've also been verbally promised a promotion at the beginning of the year following my next annual review. I've asked for a similar situation as the old assistant manager had (equivalent of 50hr week salary) but told them I don't need to be paid as high as he was yet since he had 20 years with the company.

The thing is we have a new hire I'm training who is starting at a higher rate than I did. If I hadn't asked for a better raise I'd actually be making less than him… this is really bothering me for some reason. I understand they had to raise the starting wage to even get people in here which makes sense but I feel a little insulted tbh. I make less than a dollar an hour more than a new hire and I have easily 2x the responsibility. He refers to me as his supervisor.

I'm holding my tongue for now waiting on this review that will happen in a couple months but it's so hard to not say anything. I'd be making less if I didn't fight for a bigger raise. Also every time it comes up my boss says he'll “try” to get me the promotion. What do I do if they fuck me over? Just stop doing the extra work? I get this weird feeling they're gonna fuck me. It's driving me crazy. How do I hold it together while I wait to see what they offer me?

Sorry this is kind of a vent post but also I need some advice. I really like my job so I'd rather not leave but I don't want to do a job I'm not getting paid for either. To be clear I want to do the job I just want to be fairly compensated for it. Am I being unreasonable?

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